Discarding "No Child Left Behind"
John Van Hecke:
In the midst of unsettled, economically anxious times, conservative policy advocates have embraced a public chaos strategy. While they create disorder, sapping public confidence in public infrastructure, conservative policymakers pursue a policy agenda limiting public investment in public systems that serve all Minnesotans. They create cover for their true aim, directing public investment's benefits to fewer and wealthier people.
"No Child Left Behind" is a terrific example of this strategy. By creating an impossible performance standard--every child must pass the mandated standardized exam--the results allow conservative advocates to express outrage and shock that public schools are failing the public. It's not responsible public policy but it is a marvelously self-fulfilling prophecy, consistent with conservative traditions of defunding government while attacking it for failing to do what they've deliberately prevented it from doing.
In the meantime, while modest income people struggle, our country still fights two wars and gives huge tax breaks to the very richest Americans. Minnesota has its own version of this experience, revealed during the recent budget stand-off and state government shutdown. Conservative policy leaders preserved a lower effective tax rate on the richest Minnesotans while cutting state services and accelerating program costs shift to property tax payers.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at August 14, 2011 2:11 AM
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