Comparing Rhetoric Regarding Texas (10th) & Wisconsin NAEP Scores: Texas Hispanic and African-American students rank second on eighth-grade NAEP math test
Texas Hispanic and African-American students rank
second on eighth-grade NAEP math test
Texas Education Agency:
Texas Hispanic and African-American students earned the second highest score among their peer groups on the 2011 eighth-grade National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics test. The state's white eighth grade students ranked fourth, missing out on the second place position themselves by less than one point.
Only Hispanic students in Montana earned a higher scale score on the math test than did eighth-grade Hispanic Texans. Only African-American students in Hawaii earned a higher average score than did their counterparts in Texas.
White students in the District of Columbia earned an average scale score of 319, the highest score for that ethnic group. Texas students ranked fourth, with less than a fraction of a point separating this group from students in Massachusetts and New Jersey. Massachusetts students had the second highest scale score at 304.2876, while Texas received an average score of 303.5460.
Overall, the state ranked 10th among the states with an average scale score of 290, substantially above the national average score of 283.
NAEP math on upward trend, state reading results stable
Wisconsin DPI: Wisconsin's biennial mathematics and reading results held steady on the 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as the Nation's Report Card. The state's overall trend in mathematics is improving.
For fourth-grade mathematics, the state's 2011 scale score was 245, up one point but statistically the same as in 2009, compared to the national scale score of 240, a one-point increase from 2009. Wisconsin results for fourth-grade math are significantly higher than in 2003 when the average scale score was 237. At eighth grade, the Wisconsin scale score for mathematics was 289,
the same as in 2009 and up five points from 2003, which is statistically significant. For the nation, the 2011 mathematics scale score was 283, up one-point from 2009. State average scale scores in mathematics at both grade levels were statistically higher than the national score.
Average scores for fourth grade
| All | White | Black | Hispanic | Asian Amer-Pac.Island | Native Amer |
US | 240 | 249 | 224 | 229 | 256 | 227 |
Texas | 241 | 253 | 232 | 235 | 263 | *** |
Wisconsin | 245 | 251 | 217 | 228 | 242 | 231 |
Average scores for eighth grade |
US | 283 | 293 | 262 | 269 | 302 | 266 |
Texas | 290 | 304 | 277 | 283 | 316 | *** |
Wisconsin | 289 | 295 | 256 | 270 | 290 | *** |
via a kind Richard Askey email.
Erin Richards has more on Wisconsin's results.
Steve Dykstra's comments on Wisconsin's NAEP reading scores.
Related: Madison and College Station, TX.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at November 2, 2011 5:51 AM
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