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February 20, 2012

Costs drop 5 percent for Nashua School District's special education out-of-district placements; District spends $7,854/student, or $12,145/student

Cameron Kittle & Maryalice Gill:

While the overall cost of out-of-district placements for special education students is expected to drop next year, some individual placements continue to run the district $100,000 and beyond.

The most expensive placement this year is for a student at the Austine School for the Deaf in Brattleboro, Vt. The estimated tuition cost for this year is $158,096.

There are also two other placements costing upward of $100,000 this year, including one student at Crotched Mountain in Greenfield for $136,934 and another student at the Nashoba Learning Group in Bedford, Mass., for $104,570.

Nashua School District's 2011 budget is $93,425,591 for 11,895 students ($7,854 per student).

TJ Mertz sent a kind email noting that another Nashua document describes spending as follows: FY 2012 operating budget: $144,475,503 for 11,895 students = $12,145/student.

Locally, Madison will spend $14,858.40 per student this year, nearly double Nashua's spending based on this document, or perhaps 18% more based on the 2012 document noted above...

Global Report Card comparison:



Posted by Jim Zellmer at February 20, 2012 3:03 AM
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