Education bonus gap Gov. Daugaard wants to give extra cash to math and science teachers, but data suggest other classes are tougher to fill
Josh Verges:
For the Woonsocket School District, English has proved the most difficult teacher job to fill. In Britton-Hecla, it's industrial technology.
Even Sioux Falls, the state's largest and one of the best-paying school districts, routinely hires uncertified teachers for English Language Learner, special education and gifted classes.
While school leaders acknow-ledge good math and science teachers can be difficult to find, they question Gov. Dennis Daugaard's proposal to single out two content areas for $5 million in annual bonuses in order to entice more college students to teach.
"There are others equally as difficult. It's not just math and science," said Don Kirkegaard, Meade superintendent and president of the South Dakota Board of Education.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at February 15, 2012 4:44 PM
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