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March 19, 2012

Madison Teachers' Solidarity: What Does Your MTI Contract Do For You? School Calendar

MTI Solidarity, via a kind Jeanie Bettner email:

Does it matter to you when school begins in the fall? How about when and how long winter or spring break is? When school ends for the year? Or, does it matter to you how many days you work for your annual salary, or how many hours make up the school day? In members' responses to MTI's Bargaining Survey, all of these factors are "very important" to those in MTI's teacher bargaining unit.

It was MTI's case in 1966 which gave teacher unions an equal voice on all of the above topics. Ruling for MTI, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that the school calendar is a mandatory subject of bargaining, meaning that a school district in Wisconsin must negotiate with the Union to determine each of the factors described above. Governor Walker's Act 10 in effect overturned the Supreme Court's ruling because Act 10 removed workers' rights to collectively bargain.

Impact? Act 10 enables a school board without a good conscience, to engage in mischief or abuse of all MTI represented staff especially teachers because they are paid an annual salary not on an hourly basis.

MTI is fighting to overturn Act 10 and to restore the Union's right to negotiate over the school calendar.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at March 19, 2012 3:25 PM
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