Public Comments on Madison's Achievement Gap Plans
Matthew DeFour, via a kind reader's email:
Madison community members say an extended school day, career academies, cultural training for teachers, alternative discipline, more contact between school staff and parents and recruiting minority students to become teachers are some of the best strategies for raising achievement levels of low-income and minority students.
However, some of those same ideas -- such as adding an extra hour in the morning and emphasizing career training over college preparation for some students -- are raising the most questions and concerns.
Those are a few of the key findings of a two-month public-input process on Superintendent Dan Nerad's achievement gap plan.
The district released a summary report Friday. Nerad plans to revise the plan based on the public's response and deliver a final proposal to the School Board on May 14.
Nerad said there is clearer support for more parent engagement and cultural training for teachers, than for an extended school day. He said not everyone may have understood that students who focus on a technical rather than liberal arts education might still go on to college after they graduate.
Additional reader notes:
There are profound deficiencies in the methodology and attempted "analysis" in the district's and Hanover reports (, but it's interesting to see the district's summary of staff input on literacy (page 2 of Marcia Standiford's memo):
"4. Literacy - Start early with a consistent curriculm [sic]
Support for an emphasis on literacy was evident among the comments. Staff members called for a consistent program and greater supports at the middle and high school levels. Several questioned why the recommendations emphasized third grade rather than starting at earlier grades. Comments also called for bringing fidelity and consistency to the literacy curriculum. Several comments expressed concern that dedicating extra time to literacy would come at the expense of math or other content areas." And a somewhat buried lede in the Hanover report (p. 3 of the report, p. 21 of the pdf):
"Nine focus groups mentioned the reading recovery [sic] program, all of whom felt negatively about the strategy." and (p. 10 of the report, p. 29 of the pdf) "Nine comments referred to the reading recovery plan, all of which were negative. Comments noted that 'reading recovery has failed' and 'reading recovery has not been effective in Madison Schools.' None of the comments supported reading recovery."
Madison School District related website comments includes: specific criticism of Reading Recovery from Amy Rogers: h
ttps:// and this from Chan Stroman-Roll:
60% to 42%: Madison School District's Reading Recovery Effectiveness Lags "National Average": Administration seeks to continue its use.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at April 29, 2012 5:11 AM
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