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April 29, 2012

Teacher scorecards might sound easy, but good ones carry a price

McClatchy-Tribune Information Services:

Minnesota is in the midst of developing a new teacher evaluation system, one that Republican lawmakers would like to use to make layoff decisions based on performance rather than seniority.

The movement to overhaul how teachers are rated has picked up steam nationwide, fueled in part by President Barack Obama's $4.35 billion Race to the Top competition. But as states such as Rhode Island and Colorado are finding out, developing intricate performance measures requires more time and money than they bargained for.

"It's easy to make broad statements about goals and how this is going to work. But the devil's always in the detail," said Rose Hermodson, assistant commissioner at the Minnesota Department of Education.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at April 29, 2012 1:47 AM
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