Recruiting More Black Teachers Should be a Madison School District Goal
The Wisconsin State Journal:
Howard, who supported Madison Prep, also favors launching pilots to test new approaches to helping struggling students.
"The assumption is that everything is working," he said, "and it's not."
The district should boost efforts to involve more parents in their children's educations, though that's not easy.
At the same time, the district needs to pay for a backlog of school maintenance projects without balancing the district budget on the backs of struggling homeowners. Madison is already a high-spending district, so more and more money isn't the solution.
The school administration's plan has some merit but mostly stays the course. And more of the same won't cut it.
The best path now is to recruit more black teachers, try even harder to engage parents, and seek innovation.
Madison Schools Administration has "introduced more than 18 programs and initiatives for elementary teachers since 2009" and the
Madison School District's strategic plan update.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at June 4, 2012 2:25 AM
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