ACLU alleges Michigan school district violated students' 'right to learn to read'
Lyndsey Layton:
In the first case of its kind, the American Civil Liberties Union is charging that the state of Michigan and a Detroit area school district have failed to adequately educate children, violating their "right to learn to read" under an obscure state law.
The ACLU class-action lawsuit, to be filed Thursday, says hundreds of students in the Highland Park School District are functionally illiterate.
"None of those adults charged with the care of these children . . . have done their jobs," said Kary L. Moss, executive director of the ACLU of Michigan. "The Highland Park School District is among the lowest-performing districts in the nation, graduating class after class of children who are not literate. Our lawsuit . . . says that if education is to mean anything, it means that children have a right to learn to read."
Posted by Jim Zellmer at July 14, 2012 2:03 AM
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