September 7, 2012On Charter Schools and Education ReformAnd how an you tell if you're on the wrong side of reform: Does the policy shut down open debate? Does it remove the democratic process? Do parents get to elect the charter board? Do the policymakers have to focus on a villain, in this case, teachers and unions as the bogeyman? Do they insist on closing schools rather than improving them? Do they impose on high stakes decision for children or teachers or schools? Do they talk about return on investment and are there billionaires pulling the strings? Do they focus on "school choice" over civil rights? These are signals that they are on the wrong side of education reform. And yet it's easy to fall into the wrong side. Check out Karran's brilliant analysis why. Thanks to Norm Scott for the video.Posted by Jim Zellmer at September 7, 2012 4:02 AM Subscribe to this site via RSS/Atom: Newsletter signup | Send us your ideas Comments
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