September 29, 2012The Crisis in Higher Education Online versions of college courses are attracting hundreds of thousands of students, millions of dollars in funding, and accolades from university administrators.A hundred years ago, higher education seemed on the verge of a technological revolution. The spread of a powerful new communication network--the modern postal system--had made it possible for universities to distribute their lessons beyond the bounds of their campuses. Anyone with a mailbox could enroll in a class. Frederick Jackson Turner, the famed University of Wisconsin historian, wrote that the "machinery" of distance learning would carry "irrigating streams of education into the arid regions" of the country. Sensing a historic opportunity to reach new students and garner new revenues, schools rushed to set up correspondence divisions. By the 1920s, postal courses had become a full-blown mania. Four times as many people were taking them as were enrolled in all the nation's colleges and universities combined.Posted by Jim Zellmer at September 29, 2012 1:44 AM Subscribe to this site via RSS/Atom: Newsletter signup | Send us your ideas Comments
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