An invitation to join the Madison Metropolitan School District for a special presentation from Dr. Sharroky Hollie on Oct. 26, 2012 from 12:30-3:30PM.
Via a kind reader's email:
To: Community Leaders and Parents
From: Shahanna Baldon, Chief Diversity Officer, MMSD
This year, the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) is working to scale-up the foundational work on transforming student outcomes that has been done through our CPR (Cultural Practices that are Relevant) initiative and other programming aimed at closing gaps in student achievement by working for equity and access at all levels of the organization-the classroom level, the managerial level, and the institutional level.
The kickoff event for this scale-up is a district-wide introductory training for all instructional staff on Culturally and Linguistically Repsonsive Pedagogy, led by Dr. Sharroky Hollie of the Culture and Language Academy of Success. Dr. Hollie has been central to our District's work in this area over the past few years.
We now have the opportunity to open one of the sessions to community members. We hope you may be able to attend on Friday, October 26, from 12:30 to 3:30, at the Alliant Energy Center.
I look forward to seeing you at what will be a groundbreaking learning experience for our community.
Join us!
Dr. Sharroky Hollie
on Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching
Oct. 26, 2012
Alliant Energy Center
off the Beltline Hwy. at John Nolen Drive in Madison
For Information:
(608) 663-5977
Posted by Jim Zellmer at October 17, 2012 9:07 PM
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