KA-Lite: Khan Academy For The Other 70%
Dylan Barth:
The main focus of this post is KA-Lite: a lightweight web app for hosting Khan Academy content from a local server, without the need for an Internet connection.
"Education is all a matter of building bridges." - Ralph Ellison
I love Khan Academy. To me, it's that band that I listened to way before it became popular and everybody else jumped on the bandwagon. I remember discovering Khan way back in December of 2006, when it was just a YouTube channel and I was a wee little high school sophomore struggling to pay attention in my pre-cal class. At the time, I didn't know how lucky I was to have found those videos. Sal (I call him Sal, because deep down I feel like we're buddies) always managed to break concepts down in such a concise and visually digestible way. If I didn't get it the first time, I could play it over and over again until I understood it without the risk of ridicule. It was a relief. It spurred my interest in the material for the first time. And I remember thinking, "Man... I wish Sal could teach all of my classes."
Fast forward 6 years. The Khan Academy has grown into a full-fledged non-profit organization with funding from entities like Google and The Gates Foundation. It has delivered 217,336,268 lessons to date. Anybody with an Internet connection can type http://www.khanacademy.org into their address bar and have instant access to over 3,600 high-quality lessons on topics ranging from Art History and American Civics to Calculus and Computer Programming. How awesome is that?
Posted by Jim Zellmer at December 17, 2012 2:00 AM
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