Common Core leading districts to adopt unproved math programs and failed approaches
Laurie Rogers, via a kind email:
Many of America's public schools have incorporated "student-centered learning" models into their math programs. An adoption committee in Spokane appears poised to recommend the adoption of yet another version of a "student-centered" program for Grades 3-8 mathematics.
It's critically important that American citizens know what that term means. Aspects of the Common Core State Standards initiatives are leading many districts to adopt new curricular materials that have "student-centered learning" as a centerpiece.
In Spokane Public Schools, student-centered learning (also known as "inquiry-based" learning or "discovery-based" learning or "standards-based" learning) has been the driver of curriculum adoptions for nearly 20 years. This approach has not produced graduates with strong skills in mathematics. Spokane now suffers from a dearth of math skills in most of its younger citizens.
Nor is Spokane alone with this problem. Student-centered learning has largely replaced direct instruction in the public-school classroom. It was pushed on the country beginning in the 1980s by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the federal government, colleges of education, and various corporations and foundations. Despite its abject failure to produce well-educated students, student-centered learning is coming back around, again pushed by the NCTM, colleges of education, the federal government and various corporations and foundations.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at January 26, 2013 2:34 AM
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