Should You go to graduate school?
Ron Rosenbaum:
Apparently, people have been talking. Recently I received an email from an editor at Bookforum who was asking a number of writers to contribute essays to a book to be called Should I Go to Grad School? for an institution called the Platform for Pedagogy.
She told me, somewhat mysteriously, slightly ominously: "Several people have mentioned that you have strong feelings on the subject."
Hm. It's true, I had recently spoken to a grad school class on Shakespeare at NYU (led by my colleague, the gifted poet and memoirist Meghan O'Rourke) about my book The Shakespeare Wars.
And if all grad school teachers of literature were like her, I would have no problem with the institution.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at January 14, 2013 2:34 AM
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