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February 7, 2013

Haslam on Higher Ed: 'The most insular world I've ever seen'

Tom Humphrey:

Gov. Bill Haslam says that changing the direction of higher education is "more than a battleship," but that he eventually expects to change its governing structure, according to Hank Hayes report on a meeting with members of the Kingsport Times-News Editorial Board.

An excerpt:

"It's such an insular world. It's the most insular world I've ever seen," Haslam, a Republican, said of higher education.

After a top-to-bottom review last year, Haslam didn't push for change in the state's higher education governing structure.

That governing structure features two big boards -- the Tennessee Board of Regents and the University of Tennessee Board of Trustees -- in addition to the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, the state's coordinating agency for higher education.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at February 7, 2013 1:56 AM
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