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February 13, 2013

Sorry Left AND Right, No Job Requires A College Degree

John Tamny:

Recently this writer participated as part of a television panel in which it was asked if there aren't enough jobs that require a college degree for the coming glut of college grads. The question was a funny one, one that conferred on college grads skills much greater than those possessed by the average individual. Maybe, but not asked enough is what job requires a college degree? The truth is no job does, though politicians and policy analysts would have us believe otherwise.

President Obama regularly talks up the need for more math classes "to equip our children for the future." The latter is odd and a bit dated, particularly when we consider that computers and calculators have largely made the need for math knowledge something of the past.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at February 13, 2013 1:15 AM
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