10 Things Your Students Should Know About Their Digital Footprints
Don Goble:
Building a digital legacy is an issue I believe doesn't garner enough attention in our personal and professional lives. In fact, some of the heaviest users of online tools and social media are our young students, who are growing up as a generation of visual learners and visual attention seekers. This is in fact the Facebook and YouTube generation, and the reality is that many teens are unconcerned about the dangers of sharing personal information online.
A highly respected education advocate, Kevin Honeycutt, once asked me if any of us from our generation (GenX and before), had ever made a mistake in puberty. He then asked if our mistakes are "Googleable."
The reality is that our mistakes from puberty are not "Googleable". But our students' mistakes are. "They're on the record you see, " Kevin continued, "so if they're gonna do it (live online) anyway, I think it behooves us a educators to help our students shape and build a positive legacy."
With that in mind, I have developed some important facts and opinions that our students should be completely aware of as they live in their digital world, creating digital footprints along the way.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at March 2, 2013 2:44 AM
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