"High Quality Madison Teachers" vs. "New Programs Every Few Years", "Plenty of Resource$"; Madison's latest Superintendent Arrives
Matthew DeFour:
"I have no doubt that the way we're going to improve student achievement is by focusing on what happens in the classroom," Cheatham said.
Clash with unions
Madison Teachers Inc. executive director John Matthews and others say poverty drives the achievement gap more so than classroom factors.
"We do have a high-quality teaching force in Madison -- it's been that way for years," Matthews said. He added that one challenge he'd like to see Cheatham address is the administration's tendency to adopt new programs every few years.
Cheatham's salary will be $235,000, 17 percent more than predecessor Dan Nerad. Unlike Nerad, a former Green Bay social worker and superintendent, Cheatham has never led an organization. She also hasn't stayed in the same job for more than two years since she was a teacher in Newark, Calif., from 1997 to 2003.
Mitchell, who beat out Cheatham for the top job at Partners in School Innovation where she worked for a year before moving to Chicago, said Cheatham has the talent to become schools chief in a major city like Chicago or New York in seven to 10 years. That's a benefit for Madison because Cheatham is on the upswing of her career and must succeed in order to advance, Mitchell said.
"The thing about Madison that's kind of exciting is there's plenty of work to do and plenty of resources with which to do it," Mitchell said. "It's kind of a sweet spot for Jen. Whether she stays will depend on how committed the district is to continuing the work she does."
A history of Madison Superintendent experiences.
I asked the three (! - just one in 2013) 2008 Madison school board candidates (Gallon, Nerad or McIntyre), if they supported "hiring the best teachers and getting out of the way", or a "top down" approach where the District administration's department of "curriculum done our way" working in unison with Schools of Education, grant makers and other third parties attempt to impose teaching models on staff.
Union intransigence is one of the reasons (in my view) we experience administrative attempts to impose curricula via math or reading "police". I would prefer to see a "hire the best and let them teach - to high global standards" approach. Simplify and focus on the basics: reading, writing, math and science.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at March 31, 2013 11:45 AM
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