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March 11, 2013

Madison's Andrew Statz

Matthew DeFour:

Andrew Statz recalls playing the city-building computer game SimCity in the mid-1990s when UW-Milwaukee called to offer him a teaching position in their urban planning graduate program.

His assignment: teaching college students how to play SimCity.

"It was serious geekdom," said Statz, 43, the Madison School District's chief information officer since January 2011.

Statz, who lives on the East Side with his wife, Ronda, worked as a state budget analyst under three governors before becoming former Madison mayor Dave Cieslewicz's efficiency expert.

Now as the School District's numbers guru (he also oversees the enrollment office and information technology), Statz is applying his love for systems analysis to helping the district make data-driven decisions.

Andrew has always been most cordial, professional and helpful in my experience.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at March 11, 2013 1:23 AM
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