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March 19, 2013

Most Eighth Graders Matched to a High School of Their Choice

NY Times

This year, the racial breakdown of admission offers at these three schools looks like this (race and ethnicity data were not available for all test-takers):
Stuyvesant offered admission to 9 black students; 24 Latino students; 177 white students; and 620 students who identify as Asian.

Bronx Science offered admission to 25 black students; 54 Latino students; 239 white students; 489 Asian students; and 3 American Indian/Alaskan Native students.

Brooklyn Tech offered admission to 110 black students; 134 Latino students; 451 white students; 960 Asian students; and 5 American Indian/Alaskan Native students.


Posted by Jim Zellmer at March 19, 2013 1:35 AM
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