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March 23, 2013

Notes on a Recent Madison School Board Candidate Forum


"For the past 24 years as a criminal justice practitioner, what I've seen is the kids not succeeding in the schools are ending up in juvenile and ultimately our criminal justice system." Howard said he would continue to work for students at all achievement levels, and said his time on the board has taught him to be selective in approving programs to implement. "We have to figure out a way to raise all (test) scores up, and we're doing that by implementing a brand new literacy program in all our schools," he said. Howard, answering a question from Mertz, said he was concerned that raising property taxes by the maximum amount allowed puts too much of a burden on taxpayers. Mertz disagreed, saying schools need all the money they can get. For video on this story, visit the video section He cited trust as the district's biggest obstacle. "As a community, trust has been broken," he said. "We can't get at the achievement gap unless the parents trust the teachers, the teachers trust the administration, and the board trusts the administration."
Howard, answering a question from Mertz, said he was concerned that raising property taxes by the maximum amount allowed puts too much of a burden on taxpayers.

Mertz disagreed, saying schools need all the money they can get.

Much more on the 2013 Madison School Board election and Madison's 14.5k per student spending, here.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at March 23, 2013 3:40 AM
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