Talking about the Computational Future at SXSW 2013
Stephen Wolfram:
Let's start from some science. And you know, a lot of what I'll say today connects back to what I thought at first was a small discovery that I made about 30 years ago. Let me tell you the story.
I started out at a pretty young age as a physicist. Diligently doing physics pretty much the way it had been done for 300 years. Starting from this-or-that equation, and then doing the math to figure out predictions from it. That worked pretty well in some cases. But there were too many cases where it just didn't work. So I got to wondering whether there might be some alternative; a different approach.
At the time I'd been using computers as practical tools for quite a while--and I'd even created a big software system that was a forerunner of Mathematica. And what I gradually began to think was that actually computers--and computation--weren't just useful tools; they were actually the main event. And that one could use them to generalize how one does science: to think not just in terms of math and equations, but in terms of arbitrary computations and programs.
So, OK, what kind of programs might nature use? Given how complicated the things we see in nature are, we might think the programs it's running must be really complicated. Maybe thousands or millions of lines of code. Like programs we write to do things.
But I thought: let's start simple. Let's find out what happens with tiny programs--maybe a line or two of code long. And let's find out what those do. So I decided to do an experiment. Just set up programs like that, and run them. Here's one of the ones I started with. It's called a cellular automaton. It consists of a line of cells, each one either black or not. And it runs down the page computing the new color of each cell using the little rule at the bottom there.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at March 20, 2013 3:55 AM
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