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April 23, 2013

Advocating Status Quo Seniority Policies

Jacob Bacharach:

Genuine puzzlement, right up there with "swear to God", usually precedes a lie. It's the verbal equivalent of clammy sweat and rapid blinking, and even on the rare occasion that it doesn't presage a whopper, it makes everything subsequent seem dishonest. Yglesias goes on to set fire to a hiring hall full of unionized straw men who want teacher pay to be tied to tenure of service and nothing else, but what the hell, I'll see if I can raise my voice above the crackling fire.

The cheating scandals prove that education reform is a wholly fraudulent endeavor. It isn't the equivalent of a doping scandal in sports; it's the equivalent of Enron, Madoff, the financial crisis. You think testing has something to do with compensation, hiring, and firing? It doesn't. Testing is the accounting of the reform movement, and the executives are cooking the books. They're manipulating the statements so it looks like the venture is turning a profit. Well, actually, it's got negative cash flow. The gains are phantoms. The enterprise is insolvent. Even by its own standards, reform fails.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at April 23, 2013 1:19 AM
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