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April 21, 2013

Madison's Sherman Middle School to drop French 1 class

Pat Schneider:

The way Principal Michael Hernandez tells it, something had to go.

Hernandez decided that at Sherman Middle School, it will be French class.

With a renewed emphasis on curriculum basics in the Madison School District, the need at Sherman to double-down on math skills, and a scheduled expansion there of the AVID program that prepares low-income minority kids for college, Hernandez figures the north-side middle school will need to drop its second "world language" offering next year.

French 2 will continue for seventh-graders who took French 1 this year. The school's Spanish-language program -- including three sections of dual-language instruction -- also will continue.

"Unfortunately, there are tough decisions we have to make," Hernandez told me. "With budget cuts, I can't have a class with only approximately seven students, when I could use that (staff) allocation for a math intervention class."

Principals will be developing these kinds of adjustments around the margins to prepare for the 2013-2014 school year as district officials begin work on the budget and schools get projections on how many staff members they will have.

School Board members on Monday will receive a "budget briefing" instead of fleshed-out budget proposal. Penciled in is $392,807,993 in district-wide spending next school year, down a fraction from this year.

The scaled-down budget proposal is due to the uncertain prospects of a controversial proposal in Gov. Scott Walker's budget to shift aid and expand vouchers to Madison and eight other school districts -- at a projected cost of more than $800,000 to the Madison public schools. In addition, new Superintendent Jennifer Cheatham just came on the job three weeks ago and is not prepared yet to present a detailed budget.

Related: Status Quo Costs More: Madison Schools' Administration Floats a 7.38% Property Tax Increase; Dane County Incomes down 4.1%.... District Received $11.8M Redistributed State Tax Dollar Increase last year. Spending up 6.3% over the past 16 months.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at April 21, 2013 1:18 AM
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