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April 9, 2013

Professionals Against Machine Scoring Of Student Essays In High-Stakes Assessment

Every year hundreds of thousands of students write essays for large-scale standardized tests. The scores are used in life-changing decisions. Students are accepted into, placed within, and rejected from educational programs. Graduates are hired or not hired. Teachers are qualified, evaluated, promoted, and fired. Learning institutions are compared, accredited, and punished. Yet in a major disservice to all involved, more and more of these essays are scored not by human readers but by machines.

Let's face the realities of automatic essay scoring. Computers cannot "read." They cannot measure the essentials of effective written communication: accuracy, reasoning, adequacy of evidence, good sense, ethical stance, convincing argument, meaningful organization, clarity, and veracity, among others. Independent and industry studies show that by its nature computerized essay rating is

Related: Robo Essay Grading

Posted by Jim Zellmer at April 9, 2013 4:28 AM
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