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April 23, 2013

Ready Set Goal Compensation Deadline May 1

Madison Teachers, Inc. Newsletter (PDF), via a kind Jeannie Bettner email:

Pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding negotiated by MTI, on behalf of elementary teachers, those who have completed Ready, Set, Goal (RSG) Conferences, and whose request for compensatory time cannot be accommodated due to the unavailability of a substitute teacher, may, upon written notice to their principal by May 1, choose among the following options: (1) request to be compensated for RSG conferences, travel time, and up to 15 minutes per conference for any reasonable administrative time associated with each conference; or

(2) have said day(s) added to the teacher's Personal Sick Leave Account (PSLA) or, if the teacher has the maximum amount in that account, the day(s) may be added to the teacher's Retirement Insurance Account (RIA) [ Any such days accumulated to one's RIA from RSG services are not subject to the PSLA or RIA maximum]; or

(3) carryover one (1) paid RSG leave day into the following school year; or
(4) a combination of items 1-3 above.

Contact MTI Assistant Director Eve Degen ( with questions regarding RSG compensation.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at April 23, 2013 1:49 AM
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