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April 21, 2013

The London schools mystery

Chris Cook:

Today, I gave a brief presentation - based on our previous stories - on the performance of London schools to the excellent Centre for London. Some slides are a little mysterious without my burbling over the top, but I hope it's understandable enough.

Three quick concepts:
1. The "FT score" - we allocate each child a score. Kids get 8 points for an A* down to one for a G. We add up the score for English, maths and their three best other subjects.

2. IDACI - an index of poverty which measures how poor the neighbourhood in which a child lives is.

3. "Regression" - we are dealing with moving populations, changing intakes etc. Think of a regression as a technique that allows us to discern the impact of any one of those things

View the complete PDF presentation, here.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at April 21, 2013 3:55 AM
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