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April 5, 2013

Wisconsin Teacher Preparation Policy Grade: "D"

National Council on Teacher Quality

Elementary and Special Education Teacher Preparation in Reading Instruction

New legislation now requires as a condition of initial licensure that all elementary and special education teachers pass an examination identical to the Foundations of Reading test administered as part of the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure. The passing score on the examination will be set at a level no lower than the level recommended by the developer of the test, based on the state's standards.
2011 Wisconsin Act 166, Section 21, 118.19(14)(a)

Teacher Preparation Program Accountability
Each teacher preparation program must submit a list of program completers who have been recommended for licensure. Also, a system will be developed to publicly report measures of performance for each prep program. Beginning in the 2013-2014 school year, each program must display a passage rate on the first attempt of recent graduates on licensure exams.

2011 Wisconsin Act 166, Section 14, 25.79, Section 17, 115.28(7g)

Wisconsin Response to Policy Update
States were asked to review NCTQ's identified updates and also to comment on policy changes related to teacher preparation that have occurred in the last year, pending changes or teacher preparation in the state more generally. States were also asked to review NCTQ's analysis of teacher preparation authority (See Figure 20).

Wisconsin noted that middle childhood--early adolescence elementary teachers are required to earn a subject area minor. Wisconsin also included links and citations pertaining to content test requirements for adding to secondary certifications.

The state asserted that its alternate route programs require the same basic skills tests and passing scores for admission that are required for institutions of higher education (IHEs). The state added that alternate route programs are required to use the same content tests and passing scores as IHEs and that content tests are taken as an
admissions requirement.

Wisconsin referred to its handbook and approval guidelines for alternate route programs and noted that the state has added a new pathway, "License based on Equivalency." The state noted that its new website, Pathways to Wisconsin Licensure, along with updated materials, will be posted in mid-August 2012 at

In addition, Wisconsin was helpful in providing NCTQ with further information about state authority for teacher preparation and licensing

Posted by Jim Zellmer at April 5, 2013 1:34 AM
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