Commentary on Wisconsin Act 10, Madison Teachers "Base Wages" and "Step Increases"
Madison Teachers, Inc. Solidarity Newsletter (PDF), via a kind Jeannie Bettner email:
Base wages, in all MTI/MMSD Collective Bargaining Agreements, have not increased since the passage of Act 10 in 2011. Act 10 also removed the benefit for the members of all MTI bargaining units of the District paying the employee's share of the mandated deposit in the Wisconsin Retirement System. This in itself caused a 6.2% reduction take-home wages. MTI had negotiated in the early 1970's that the District pay the WRS deposit. This part of Act 10 caused a loss in earnings of $11.7 million last school year and another $12.9 million this school year for District employees.
All employees do not automatically move up on the salary schedule each year. Members of the clerical/technical bargaining unit, for example, receive a wage additive based on months of service. These "longevity" payments begin at the 49th month of service, with the next one beginning at the 80th month of service.
There are similar increments between the increases in longevity payments. Last year, 199 individuals remained at the same salary, while this year, there were 70 who received no increase in wage.
Members of the educational assistant and school security assistant bargaining units, for example, receive a longevity increase after three years of service, but not anotheroneuntilafter12yearsofservice. Lastyear,282 individuals remained at the same salary, while this year there were 321 who received no increase in wage.
The teachers' salary schedule requires that a teacher earn six credits each four years and receive his/her principal's recommendation to be able to cross the salary barrier. This is at each four-year improvement level. For incentive levels, beginning at level 16, one progresses only every two years, and then only if he/she earns three credits and receives his/her principal's recommendation. Last year, 941 individuals remained at the same salary, while this year, there were 701 who received no increase in wage.
Madison Schools' Budget Updates: Board Questions, Spending Through 3.31.2013, Staffing Plan Changes.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at May 29, 2013 12:51 AM
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