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May 20, 2013

How Wisconsin's Government Is Cheating the State's Children and Public Schools

Diane Ravitch:

The Forward Institute of Wisconsin released a new study of education policy in the state.

This is a statement made by the Institute's Chair, Scott Wittkopf:

Wisconsin has always been a leader in K-12 public education because we have long valued the right of every child to receive a quality public education. The fundamental nature of our values is reflected in the State Constitution, which guarantees all children equal access to educational opportunity in our public schools. That constitutional right is now being systematically eroded and defunded. The research presented in this report shows that current fiscal policy and education funding are depriving our poorest students access to a sound public education. Public schools are not failing our children, Wisconsin legislators and policymakers are failing the public schools that serve our children.

Our comprehensive report documents in detail that the resources being afforded schools and students of poverty are insufficient, and facing further reduction. Moreover, the resources being diverted from schools of poverty into non-traditional alternative education programs are producing questionable results with little to no accountability for the state funding they receive.

The following seven points highlight critical findings of our study:

Posted by Will Fitzhugh at May 20, 2013 12:35 AM
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