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May 6, 2013

Parents, Children, Libraries, and Reading

Carolyn Miller, Kathryn Zickuhr, Lee Rainie and Kristen Purcell:

The vast majority of parents of minor children -- children younger than 18 -- feel libraries are very important for their children. That attachment carries over into parents' own higher-than-average use of a wide range of library services.1

The ties between parents and libraries start with the importance parents attach to the role of reading in their children's lives. Half of parents of children under age 12 (50%) read to their child every day and an additional 26% do so a few times a week. Those with children under age 6 are especially keen on daily reading with their child: 58% of these parents read with their child every day and another 26% read multiple times a week with their children.

The importance parents assign to reading and access to knowledge shapes their enthusiasm for libraries and their programs:

Posted by Jim Zellmer at May 6, 2013 2:29 AM
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