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July 22, 2013

California High School's AP Test Scores Invalidated

Aaron Kinney:

In a rare move that has Mills High School in an uproar, the College Board and Educational Testing Service have invalidated the Advanced Placement test results of as many as 224 students, citing "seating irregularities" when the 11 exams were taken in May.

Students are now demanding that the College Board reinstate the test scores, which have not been disclosed, rather than readminister the tests next month. They claim their scores may suffer in retaking the exams, and some graduating seniors say the delay is disrupting their college enrollment.

Incoming senior Gavin Wong learned of the problem Wednesday, when his family received a letter from Mills about the cancellation. The school said that, despite the seating problem, the scores "were not invalidated as a result of student misconduct," according to a copy of the letter provided by Wong.

"Students aren't to blame," said Wong, 17, "but we are being punished harshly."

Posted by Jim Zellmer at July 22, 2013 12:41 AM
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