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July 22, 2013

Florida charter schools back decision to ease school grades

Sherri Ackerman:

Charter schools are among those supporting a tense Board of Education decision this week that prevents state grades for public schools from dropping more than one letter.

But some of them worry the move might add to the confusion parents and others already have about Florida's A through F grading system - and erode public confidence in it.

"I think it becomes confusing to parents when the state says it wants to move forward with higher standards and wants them to be more rigorous, and then makes a safety net'' when those standards aren't met, said Cynthia Adversa, principal of Indian River Charter High School in Vero Beach, which is a member of the Florida Consortium of Public Charter Schools.
Teachers and students worked hard to meet those expectations, said Daviem Dina Miller, who heads Somerset Academy in Davie. So when some schools that didn't hit the mark still benefit from a higher grade, "I think a lot of parents would question that.''

Posted by Jim Zellmer at July 22, 2013 2:39 AM
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