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July 20, 2013

Kennedy Center picks Madison for arts education push

Gayle Worland:

All young children in Madison public schools would have greater access to the arts under a program being launched in the city this fall by the Kennedy Center.

The Washington, D.C.-based Kennedy Center -- best known as a national showcase and landmark hub of the arts -- has selected Madison as the 12th U.S. city for its "Any Given Child" program. The initiative is designed to create a long-range arts education plan to reach every public school student in grades K-8.

"The (Madison) district has specific goals about closing the achievement gap, and we know that the arts can help achieve that," said Ray Gargano, director of programming and community engagement for the Overture Center for the Arts, which is coordinating the local side of Any Given Child.

In the first year of the multi-year program, two representatives from the Kennedy Center will assist a committee of about 35 local citizens to audit the arts resources in every Madison elementary and middle school, said Darrell Ayers, vice-president of education for the Kennedy Center.

That information will be used to create a long-term plan to make sure healthy arts programs are happening in every school for every child, not just some.

"The next two or three years (following the audit), we stay with the community to assure that the work is going to be completed," Ayers said. "We're not bringing money, but we're certainly bringing expertise. We've done this in a number of communities and been very successful."

Posted by Jim Zellmer at July 20, 2013 12:01 AM
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