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July 11, 2013

Lessons from the first millionaire online teacher

Sarah Lacy:

Software programming? Yeah it's an okay way to make a living. But the real money is in teaching.
Or at least that's the recent experience of Scott Allen, a programmer and teacher the tech-y online education platform Allen has earned more than $1.8 million through fees and royalties from Pluralsight over the last five years. He says each monthly royalty check has increased in size over that period -- the smallest increase being 10 percent month-over-month. That far outdid his expectations when he started making educational videos for Pluralsight. "It's amazing," he says.

I got pitched this story this morning with the subject line "Online ed's first millionaire teacher." I was drawn to it, because I could imagine the same story being pitched about blogging or online journalism several years ago. There are a lot of parallels between what those two industries are going through, and how each are grappling with the Web's potential for disruption.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at July 11, 2013 12:02 AM
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