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July 24, 2013

Superintendent Jennifer Cheatham cites previous lack of "long-term vision" in presenting 2013-14 budget for Madison schools

Bennet Goldstein:

Cheatham said Madison schools have already implemented a variety of initiatives to increase student achievement but have not seen "measurable improvements."

"It isn't for lack of working very hard and doing a lot of things at once," she said. "I feel pretty confident the reason that hasn't occurred is because of the lack of long-term vision."

Cheatham recommended the board focus on strengthening existing programs and infrastructure, which would not require new expenditures.

"I want to be more strategic and thoughtful about this than how we did it in the past," she added.

Much more on the Madison School District's planned spending & property tax increases via the 2013-2014 budget, here.

Related: Analysis: Madison School District has resources to close achievement gap.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at July 24, 2013 12:53 AM
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