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July 19, 2013

Teach for America isn't perfect, but it has been a boost to education

Anthony Britt:

As an African-American male born to a teenage mother, my future was bleak, but I had an extended family of teachers, mentors and coaches whose high expectations and support helped me grow from a young boy with an uncertain future to a young man with a college degree.

Although, I found a viable pathway, I remained agitated that we can predict a child's life trajectory based primarily on their zip code. Teach For America (TFA), an organization on a mission to ensure an excellent education for all children by putting talented college graduates into teachingroles, seemed like the perfect fit, so I headed south to teach 8th Grade science in the Mississippi Delta just three days after graduating from Harvard University.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at July 19, 2013 8:57 AM
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