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August 14, 2013

Why are almost all Wisconsin voucher schools religious?

Jack Craver:

Jim Bender, executive director of School Choice Wisconsin, the pro-voucher lobby, says the choice program is a reflection of the private school market, which in Wisconsin is predominantly religious.

"If you look at the history of education in Wisconsin, that's a cornerstone of operating schools in the private market," he says, pointing out that many parochial schools are typically cheaper than non-religious private schools because they are subsidized by their affiliated churches. "In the past, not long ago, many religious schools were free."

Bender says he believes the development of a statewide voucher program will "change the economics" and allow for more secular private schools to flourish, since they can now receive taxpayer funds.

And yet, as I mentioned above, that hasn't been the case in Milwaukee.

Alan Borsuk, who helped found two Jewish schools in Milwaukee and covered the city's choice program as a reporter for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, says the money provided in the voucher program still isn't enough to convince many secular schools to participate.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at August 14, 2013 12:01 AM
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