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August 3, 2013

Commentary on New Madison Superintendent Cheatham's "Style"....

Paul Fanlund

he gist of her framework is hard to argue. It calls for a renewed focus on learning, a school system that makes curriculum consistent across the district and better measures student and teacher performance. In sum, it is a back-to-basics approach that does not require new money, at least for now.

Madison, of course, has been grappling with its changing demographics where many students, especially minority children, struggle academically. In shorthand, it's called the "achievement gap," and the approach to date has been a long list of seemingly laudable, logical programs.

Now comes Cheatham saying we don't need more money, at least not yet, but instead we need to rebuild the foundation. Might some see that as counterintuitive, I wonder?

"It might be," she responds. "My take is that we were adding on with a big price tag to an infrastructure that was weak. ... Does that make sense? The bones of the organization were weak and we didn't do the hard work of making sure that the day-to-day processes ... were strong before deciding to make targeted investments on top of a strong foundation."

She continues: "That doesn't mean that there won't be some targeted investments down the line. I suspect that will be in things like technology, for instance, which is a real challenge ... and is going to have a price tag later. I need to make sure that the foundation is strong first."

Cheatham alludes to her Chicago experience. "Having worked with lots of schools -- and lots of schools that have struggled -- and worked with schools targeting narrowing and closure of the achievement gap, these fundamental practices" make the biggest difference. "It's that day-to-day work that ultimately produces results and student learning."

We shall see. Local media have greeted prior Superintendents, including Cheryl Wilhoyte with style points, prior to the beginning of tough decision-making.

Related: The Dichotomy of Madison School Board Governance: "Same Service" vs. "having the courage and determination to stay focused on this work and do it well is in itself a revolutionary shift for our district".

Another interesting governance question, particularly when changes to the 157 page teacher union contract, or perhaps "handbook" arise, is where the school board stands? Two seats will be on the Spring, 2014 ballot. They are presently occupied by Marj Passman and Ed Hughes. In addition, not all members may vote on teacher union related matters due to conflict of interests. Finally, Mary Burke's possible race for the Governor's seat (2014) may further change board dynamics.

I hope that Superintendent Cheatham's plans to focus the organization on teaching become a reality. Nothing is more important given the District's disastrous reading results. That said, talk is cheap and we've seen this movie before.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at August 3, 2013 12:07 AM
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