Records show Des Moines school board president misled public
Sheena Dooley, via a kind reader's email:
The former leader of the Des Moines School Board misled the public multiple times about former Superintendent Nancy Sebring's departure and the circumstances surrounding it, according to court documents and district emails obtained by Iowa Watchdog.
These include board member Teree Caldwell-Johnson's account of Sebring's resignation and the reason for her departure. The documents also reveal details of an inappropriate closed door session that conflict with Sebring's account of what happened, as well as emails between Caldwell-Johnson and Sebring leading up to her resignation.
CALDWELL-JOHNSON: Documents show conflicting accounts of what she said about Sebring resignation.
Caldwell-Johnson's statements were largely made in a news release that was leaked to at least one media outlet prior to sexually explicit emails between Sebring and her alleged lover, both of whom were married at the time, became public. Those emails were released nearly a month after Sebring's resignation and Caldwell-Johnson's public statement that Sebring was leaving her job early to help plan her daughter's wedding and get ready for a new job leading the Omaha School District, which wasn't the case.
Posted by Jim Zellmer at August 11, 2013 12:19 AM
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