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September 21, 2013

Madison elementary art teacher posts students' anti-Walker cartoons

Ryan Ekvall, via a kind reader email:

Some kindergartners, first-graders and second-graders in Madison public schools are apparently preparing for futures in either political cartooning or time on a psychiatrist's couch.

Kati Walsh, an elementary art teacher at the Madison Metropolitan School District in July posted some of her students' drawings of Gov. Scott Walker in jail. Walsh suggests her young Rembrandts' ideas for their sketches popped up out of thin air.

"One student said something to the effect of 'Scott Walker wants to close all the public schools'... So the rest of the class started drawing their own cartoons and they turned very political. They have very strong feelings about Scott Walker," the teacher wrote on her blog.

Remarkable. I am in favor of a wide ranging, free thinking education for our future generations, after they have mastered reading..... Some teachers deal with ideology very well, others not so much.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at September 21, 2013 12:16 AM
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