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October 26, 2013

After three seasons, 2 wins Beloit Memorial High School to change football coaches

Jim Franz:

When he was hired in March, 2011, as Beloit Memorial High School head football coach, Jon Dupuis knew he was accepting a major undertaking.

"I'm passionate about it," Dupuis said at the time. "I'm home grown. I really believe in these kids and this community. I want to make going to Beloit games something you do on Friday nights again."

After three seasons and just two victories to go with 25 losses, Dupuis wasn't ready to throw in the towel.

The high school's administration, however, did it for him. Dupuis said Monday he learned he was being let go.

"I went in and asked for a three-year commitment and was told they wanted to move in a different direction," Dupuis said. "I think my staff and I deserved (the three additional years) because of the progress we were making. I was told they want a powerhouse and I told them you're not going to turn this into a powerhouse in three years. I don't know how you could do that.

"When I originally interviewed for this job I wanted five years to turn it around and they gave me three. I don't know much more of what we could have done

Posted by Jim Zellmer at October 26, 2013 12:58 AM
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