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October 16, 2013

How to Get Involved in the Teaching Movement That Could Transform Education

Mark Robinson:

In the weeks leading up to the publication of our cover story about Sergio Juárez Correa and the students of José Urbina López Primary School, it became clear that WIRED could help. We decided to sponsor the school and Juárez Correa, providing them with supplies and equipment they need, like a projector, printer, and laser pointer.

But there also are powerful ways you can get involved with the burgeoning student-centered style of learning and teaching. Whether you want to bring this approach into an existing school, start a program of your own, donate to a program, or find a teacher who has asked for specific help, we've got suggestions. Here are four ways to take action:
1. Last year, the TED prize gave $1 million to Sugata Mitra, one of the movement's leading thinkers. If you are interested in supporting Mitra and his School in the Cloud project or make contributions payable to:

Posted by Jim Zellmer at October 16, 2013 2:18 AM
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