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October 9, 2013

In China, parents bribe to get students into top schools, despite campaign against corruption

William Wan:

BEIJING -- For years, Yang Jie's friends warned her to save up for her daughter's education. Not for tuition or textbooks, but for the bribes needed to get into this city's better public schools.

A strong-willed, self-made businesswoman, Yang largely ignored their advice. "Success in life," she told her daughter, "is achieved through hard work."

But now, with her daughter entering the anxiety-filled application process for middle school, Yang is questioning that principle. She has watched her friends shower teachers and school ­administrators with favors, ­presents and money. One friend bought a new elevator for a top school. His child was admitted soon after.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at October 9, 2013 12:11 AM
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