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October 12, 2013

Khan Academy and Phillips Academy break ground with innovative partnership


"Our mission is a world-class education for anyone anywhere, and when people think of world class, they think of places like Phillips Academy..."

One night last August, Bill Scott sent a new batch of math problems to Khan Academy from his home computer in Andover. By then, the chair of Phillips Academy's math department was beginning to get the hang of things, turning out 30 problems for the website in a matter of hours rather than days. He turned off his computer and headed to bed, with the latest problem set--graphs, functions and their derivatives--still on his mind.

In the morning, Scott logged on to the Khan Academy website--and could see that Sal Khan himself had uploaded the problem set to the live site at 9:20 a.m. (that's 6:20 a.m. for Khan in Silicon Valley). Scott checked back three hours later to find that Khan already had created four new videos to accompany Scott's lesson. "That guy is incredible," Scott marveled. "He's got a lean and mean operation." So, too, does PA's math department, whose members have been mining, finding and organizing their favorite BC calculus problems to help beef up Khan Academy's highest-level math offerings as part of an unprecedented partnership with the online learning site. "This is the first time we've partnered with a high school to substantively drive a lot of our core content," said Khan.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at October 12, 2013 12:13 AM
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