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October 11, 2013

Leftist Educator Diane Ravitch Meets Her Match: An Important Critique by Sol Stern

Ron Radosh via Will Fitzhugh:

Do you know who Diane Ravitch is? If not, you should. No other educator has been acclaimed in so many places as the woman who can lead American education into the future. Her new book, Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America's Public Schools, had a first printing of 75,000 copies and quickly made the New York Times non-fiction best seller list.

Recently, the leading magazine for left-liberal intellectuals, The New York Review of Books, featured a cover story about Ravitch by Andrew Delbanco. He compares the approaches of the educator most despised by the Left, Michelle Rhee, with Ravitch. He calls Ravitch "our leading historian of primary and secondary education." Having established that, he goes on to note Ravitch's condemnation of Rhee, which he says "borders on contempt." Delbanco also dislikes Rhee. He does not agree with what he calls her "determination to remake public institutions on the model of private corporations." Rhee is pro-corporate, a woman who wants "to introduce private competition (in police, military, and postal services, for example) where government was once the only provider." In other words, Rhee stands with the enemies of the Left who want school choice for poor children, vouchers, charter schools, and competition, rather than more pay for teachers, smaller classes, and working with and through the teachers' unions.

Posted by Will Fitzhugh at October 11, 2013 10:39 PM
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