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October 19, 2013

Michael Gove: governments must stop lying to children about life chances Education secretary says 'inflated' GCSE figures were used in past to tell pupils they could go to university or get skilled work

Richard Adams:

The education secretary, Michael Gove, has urged politicians to stop "lying to children" about their life chances and allowing inflated exam grades that he compared to Soviet tractor production propaganda.

"For years, ministers in previous governments looked at the way more and more people were getting GCSEs and they congratulated themselves, like Soviet economics ministers on the growth in statistics," Gove a US summit on education reform on Thursday night.

Slipping into a mock Russian accent and syntax, Gove said: "Look in Russia, thousands more get GCSEs. Surely now we are education powerhouse?"

Posted by Jim Zellmer at October 19, 2013 1:23 AM
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