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October 24, 2013

N.Y. Education Dept.: 91.5% of teachers rated effective

Joseph Spector:

Nearly 92 percent of teachers were rated highly effective or effective in the first year of a new evaluation system, the state Education Department said Tuesday.

The highly controversial testing of teachers produced few poor grades, the state said. Just 1 percent was deemed ineffective, and 4 percent were characterized as developing.

The results are for 126,829 teachers outside New York City; 91.5 percent were deemed effective or highly effective.

The results come after the state released new student assessment scores as part of the Common Core program last summer that showed just 31 percent of New York students in elementary and middle schools were proficient in math and reading.

"The results are striking," state Education Commissioner John King said in a statement. "The more accurate student proficiency rates on the new Common Core assessments did not negatively affect teacher ratings. It's clear that teachers are rising to the challenge of teaching the Common Core."

Posted by Jim Zellmer at October 24, 2013 12:29 AM
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