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October 16, 2013

Oregon high school students rip schools as too easy, too prone to keep bad teachers

Betsy Hammond:

Oregon high school students are broadly dissatisfied with their public education experience, saying school isn't challenging enough, too many teachers are careless or incompetent and too many students are falling through the cracks.

Those are among the findings of a survey of 200 Oregon high school students representative of the geographic, grade-level and racial/ethnic make-up of the state's high school population. The small sample means the survey has a margin of error of about 7 percentage points.

The survey, done by survey firm DHM Research and non-profit education advocacy group The Chalkboard Project, was designed to inject the student voice into the adult-dominated conversation about education reform in Oregon.

Posted by Jim Zellmer at October 16, 2013 3:10 AM
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